Eyewitness History of World War II
02.28.2024, Books, by Jack W Perry
When I was a kid, I enjoyed reading history — especially WW2 books. Every few weeks I would go to the Waldenbooks in the mall and shop. Back then, there was no Amazon, no internet, possibly mail order but it was unreliable. Basically it was difficult to get information in rural America — or at least it was for me!
I came across this great set of books. A four book set. But I could only find three of the four. I had read these three books 3–4 times — but had that missing piece in the story. It was like watching the first few seasons — missing a few — and then seeing how it ends. You know all the main characters, you know the story lines, you know the ending. But you are still missing the connection.
I remember trying to find this missing book. I asked to have the store order it — for some reason they couldn’t or wouldn’t. I wrote to the publisher, Bantam Books. They advertised in the back of these books — but never received the catalogue not could find this missing book.
So I went a few years without it. Then one day I was in a used book store and found it — COUNTERATTACK! Volume three. yes, I think I bought it for $1. I wonder if the book or series had gone out of print or repackaged? I don’t know. But I do remember the feeling of completing the set — in the same format.
Fast forward and I have working in book publishing my entire career and have seen series go out of print or the format change in mid-series. I cringe and do what I can to keep the series going. But the business of publishing sometimes prohibits it. As a fan, a reader, a collector — it hurts. But I know some of the time we just can’t afford to do it — to lose money.
Luckily there is the internet and the ability to find what you want today.
The four volume set is on Amazon for $10.